
JAAEA Japan Anti-Animal Experimentation Association Presentation

*NGO name
JAAEA Japan Anti-Animal Experimentation Association

*Issue the group deals with
Animal Experimentation

*Our goals
Even though there is an official guideline that should be followed, national universities are not complying with the guideline. The guideline seems to be meaningless, and we think animal experimentation should be regulated more strictly by law. So our goal is to enact the new law to regulate animal experimentation.

To enact the new, we convey cruelty of animal experimentation to the public, conduct a campaign to collect signatures and also hand out flyers on the street to let people know the products that are not tested on animals.

*Why this is a group that your classmates, and others would be interested in joining
By joining our group, you can save millions of animal lives. It is amazing to save lives and that is why everyone would be interested in joining our group.


Question 15: Do animals have rights?

            People who thinks animals do not have rights says “If animals were to have rights, do you think they would choose to be experimented on or not for medicine purposes? Also if animals have rights, won’t everyone have to become vegetarians? Animals are not willing to sacrifice themselves to satisfy the human race’s stomachs. Besides, we cannot even communicate with animals.”
            People who thinks animals have rights says “Animals' rights are violated when they are used in research. They have a basic moral right to respectful treatment. Animals and people are alike in many ways; they both feel, think, behave, and experience pain. So animals should be treated with the same respect as humans. Therefore, animal experimentation should be stopped because it violates the rights of animals.”

Debate.org http://www.debate.org/opinions/should-animals-have-rights
Animal friend Croatia

Survey Summary

I got 45 answers.The answerers’ age ranges from 12 to 50. Most of them live in Japan and others in America, Colombia, Ireland and Thailand.
Over fifty percent of them have actually considered about animal experimentation but, they don’t act to what they thought. In addition to that, people who have not ever considered about it overcome people who always keep it in mind.
I asked them whether they think animals and humans are equal, and the answer is that they think we are not equal. However, more people think animal experimentation is necessary. Some says we are not equal but all beings should be treated with dignity and respect or animals shouldn’t be mistreated. Also, over 60 percent of them answered they don’t know much about it and they don’t pay attention to products they get.
I think most of answerers are young and are not interested in how animals are experimented. That’s why their opinions seems like paradox.
I also found people in foreign countries are more interested in animal experimentation than people live in japan. This shows how differently Japanese and other countries governments act for it.

Question 14: Where do scientists get their animals?

There are two kinds of lab animals.
One is animals that can come from almost anywhere. Backyard breeders, who breed less than a certain amount of animals per year, can sell their unsold animals to dealers or to testing facilities. These dealers usually have to supply some medical papers proving that the animals don't have diseases that might spread to the rest of the lab, or have any kind of extreme medical conditions.
The other is animals that are a different story. They are bred, and raised, to be lab animals. This means they have to satisfy a number of conditions so that the information gotten from them will be useful to humans. They have to be the average mouse or chimpanzee, without heart conditions, genetic anomalies, or particularly bad viruses. Labs have special needs, and if they need a lot of lab mice that are designed to be obese, or to be diabetic, or bald, they can call a lab and have many engineered for them.

Aps http://www.the-aps.org/mm/SciencePolicy/AnimalResearch/Publications/animals/quest5.htm

Summary of My Survey

57 people have joined my survey. The results of this survey helped me a lot to understand what others think about animal experimentation.
Most of respondents are female and 19 or 20 years old. About 75% of them oppose animal experimentation. They think animal experimentation is terrible and about 66% of respondents think animals have rights.
However, 68% of respondents don’t pay much attention to that if the
products they are using are tested on animals or not. And almost everyone has never done any actions to help animals. From the results of question 5 and question 9, we can see that people don’t take on animal experimentation as serious issue that much in Japan. 

Thank you for your cooperation.